New Shows at The Bascom

Eventide, Erik Mace

Information is easily distorted. Erik Mace, the 2024 Photography Artist in Residence at The Bascom in Highlands, will explore this truth in Fragmented Reality. He writes, Fragmented Reality presents work that sees images only as raw data to be manipulated, breaking down digital photographs to their binary code, transforming that code through multiple technical processes, ultimately rendering new images that are no longer explicitly tied to the original material. With each translation, something is lost and something else is gained.” The solo exhibition includes 14 printed photographs, a user manual, and a sealed glass container of the source material. This summer, the visual arts center will also show Glass Pioneers: Western North Carolina and the Studio Glass Movement, an exhibition that offers a blend of historical context, current achievements, and a glimpse into what lies ahead for glass art” in the mountains. Additionally, an independent alliance of artists known as Asheville Printmakers will display work made using a wide range of processes and content, from traditional to experimental.

Glass Pioneers: Western North Carolina and the Studio Glass Movement: Through August 3

PRESS ON!: Through August 17

Fragmented Reality: Through August 24

Exhibition Reception (all shows): Thursday, July 11, 5pm

The Bascom: A Center for the Visual Arts323 Franklin Road, Highlands

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