Art on Main

Sunflower Dance, Diane Dean

Art on Main, a heritage event in downtown Hendersonville, has been around for more than six decades, but as event chair Simone Wood points out, the two-day juried show is still growing vibrantly and evolving with the times. “Art on Main 2024 is at its peak,” declares Wood, an award-winning watercolorist who manages Art MoB Studios. Wood reports that the show this year has received its highest number of applicants (even international entrants) and will subsequently  present a record number of juried exhibitors — more than 100. “Last year, the introduction of food-truck vendors and children’s activities was a most pleasant change … we will continue this trend to educate and involve our next generation of artists,” notes Wood. Earlier this year, Asheville Made interviewed Melissa “Mel” Ailiff, the Arts Council’s new executive director. While mentioning the new educational programming she plans to implement, especially for area youth, Ailiff was quick to confirm that “Art on Main remains a pivotal event for the Arts Council, and this year is particularly special as we celebrate its 65th anniversary.” She noted Art on Main’s flood of new applicants working in many mediums and a renewed plan for live demos. Artists have been selected by “a panel of professional peers who are in the arts industry,” says Wood. At press time, she and other event coordinators were still “seeking volunteers who want to immerse themselves in this anticipated annual event.” See “Art on Main, Hendersonville NC” on Facebook for updates.

Art on Main: Saturday, Sept. 28 and Sunday, Sept. 29, 10am-5pm

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