From the buttery golds of tulip poplars to the rusty reds of sugar maples, the trees of Western North Carolina come alive with color come autumn. To honor this chromatic kaleidoscope, Gallery Mélange on Biltmore Avenue will host Shades of Fall. Opening at the peak of leaf-peeping season, the show will feature the gallery’s three owners: contemporary abstract painters Mark Bettis and Victoria Pinney, plus jewelry maverick Jeffrey Burroughs. From Bettis, visitors can expect work that “relays the feeling of WNC and our mountains.” A piece titled “Unbroken Boundary,” for instance, culls inspiration from the countless hiking miles Bettis has logged in the Southern Appalachian forests since moving to the area 17 years ago. “This is not a specific location,” he says of the mountainscape, which was rendered using oils and cold wax on wood. But still, the undulating ridgelines and gunmetal-gray storm clouds feel familiar — comforting even. Comparatively, Pinney painted in a more abstract direction, capturing the amber hues of fall in a mixed-media piece she calls “Pull Down the Moon.” As for jewelry, Burroughs plans on showcasing sapphires and tourmaline because the “light of autumn is exquisitely showcased through the brilliance” of the gemstones. (See this issue for a feature on Pinney.)
Shades of Fall: October 19-November 2; Opening Reception: Saturday, Oct. 19, 5-8pm
Gallery Mélange / 67 Biltmore Ave., Suite 20, Asheville / gallerymelange.com