Coined by marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols, “Blue Mind” refers to the tranquil state we experience near water. Whether it’s the rhythmic lapping of waves or the soothing babble of a brook, water has a profound impact on our brains and bodies, lowering heart rate and blood pressure, boosting respiratory function, and improving sleep quality. Research shows water can enhance creativity, too. This comes as no surprise to Asheville artist Patricia Hargrove, whose summer solo show at the Asheville Gallery of Art revolves around H20. “There is something that calms the entire body [about] being beside water, listening to the sounds, feeling the cool and fresh air. It is hypnotic in its power to quiet the brain, the soul, and the body,” Hargrove shares in a press release. For the exhibition, she has prepared a flood of paintings, alcohol inks, and mixed-media pieces. The series is a break from portraiture, which has occupied her attention for the better part of 40 years. “An artist’s career never stays static if one is open and continually learning and experimenting with mediums, forms, and techniques,” she says. “We experiment. We grow. We change. Rinse and repeat!”
The Shape of Water: June 1-30; Opening Reception: Friday, June 7, 5-7:30pm
Asheville Gallery of Art / 82 Patton Ave., Asheville