Laughter is the best medicine. Just ask Fletcher artist Patti Beckert. Through the ups and downs of life, Beckert has found relief in her quippy comics, which feature droll illustrations and cheeky one-liners. In one vignette, a businessman clings desperately to a blue balloon as he contemplates joining the circus. In another, a stick figure takes his caged bird for a walk. According to Beckert, she owes her unique sense of humor to her family — who cracked jokes to distract from the hard stuff. “Laughter was the key ingredient to our family holding it together all those years,” says Beckert. “We learned to laugh it off instead of dwelling on it, and to this day, I use my humor as a shield in the most difficult times.” On the first Saturday of April, Beckert will present several of her comics as part of the Art League of Henderson County’s group show at Art Place Gallery.
April Group Show: April 6-30; Opening Reception: Saturday, April 6, 4-6pm
Art Place Gallery / 2021 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville