Far From Home, Opening April 5

Far From Home, Opening April 5

Not all unicorns are happy. That’s according to Waynesville artist Jessie Butner. In her mixed-media piece, “Rainbow Sunday,” a menagerie of creatures — both…

I will tell you mine, Opening April 19

I will tell you mine, Opening April 19

Mary Oliver’s poem “Wild Geese” isn’t about geese, at least not entirely. Sure, the naturalist/Pulitzer Prize-winning writer paints a vivid picture of the birds…

With Flying Colors

With Flying Colors

In 1985, Hendersonville artist Norie Sanchez started quilting — a lot. “I’ve done it all: wall hangings, bed quilts, baby quilts, hand-pieced, machine-pieced, hand-quilted, machine-quilted,…

April Group Show, Opening April 6

April Group Show, Opening April 6

Laughter is the best medicine. Just ask Fletcher artist Patti Beckert. Through the ups and downs of life, Beckert has found relief in her…