Trackside Studios

An immersive art experience in augmented reality is happening this month, courtesy of multimedia artist Jaime Byrd at Trackside Studios. The artist brings her physical cold wax and oil paintings to life with motion and sound through the use of a smartphone or tablet and free online app. Visitors are invited to bring their phones or tablets to the show for the most optimal experience.
“Jaime Byrd’s work is amazing in itself, but when I downloaded the ARTIVIVE app and saw what she was doing with Augmented Reality (AR), it was a whole new kind of amazing,” says Lynn Stanley, co-owner of Trackside Studios. “The process is almost effortless — open the app, point and wait a moment. Suddenly leaves fall from the painting’s tree, birds fly past, and the sounds of rain mingle with birdsong.”

Using AR — a technology that superimposes computer-generated images to create a composite view — lets Byrd merge her love of painting, filmmaking, sound design, and technology. “This current show really focuses on calmness, tranquility, and peacefulness,” she tells Asheville Made. “It’s about falling into one of my paintings and spending time in a place where I often go in my own mind — a place where I can relax and relieve anxiety through difficult times. I hope the viewer will be able to experience a similar effect.”
Guests can use their phones to view the 10-30 seconds of AR by downloading the free app. “Now when I’m in Trackside and see people stopping to look closely at her work, I open the app, point my phone at one of the paintings, the action begins, and visitors are absolutely enthralled every time,” adds Stanley.

According to Byrd, the experience can be exhilarating, fun, and somewhat magical — especially if it’s your first time.
June 5-30. Opening Event: June 5, 4-7pm.
Trackside Studios, 375 Depot St., Asheville. 828-545-2904.